Bruno Mars is popular American singer, record producer, dancer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist. He has initiated his career from 2004. Bruno Mars was born on 8th of October in 1985. He is also known as Peter Gene Hernandez. If you would like to contact Bruno Mars, then you are at right place at right time. Here you can find all possible contact information of Bruno Mars.
So, here we have compile the contact details of Bruno Mars like Cell Phone Number, Contact Details, Mailing Address, Email Address, Phone Number, Office Address, Office Fax Number, and more.
Bruno Mars Fan Mail Address and Postal Address
If you want to know the schedule and timing details of his class or club, then you can easily find it from his office address details. The office address is BMG Chrysalis US 29 Music Square East Nashville, TN 37203, United States.
The fan mail address or house address details of Bruno Mars is not available with us.
Bruno Mars Contact Information
Here we don’t have any contact details of Bruno Mars. We will try to find out his contact details and update this section soon!
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Official Website and Email Address
If you are interested to know his current information, then you can get it from his official website. The official website is The email address details is not available with us. We will update it soon.
Social Media Accounts
Here we are presenting you the social media account details of Bruno Mars. The social media account is Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. He is also active on YouTube, but this is not official account. Social media is best way to stay connected with any celebrity.
Fast Facts
The fast and quick facts of Bruno Mars is given here.
- Mother Name: Bernadette San Pedro Bayot
- Spouse: Jessica Caban
- Father Name: Peter Hernandez Bernadette San Pedro Bayot
- Born: 8 October 1985
- Bruno Mars net worth: $175 million