Pierre Omidyar Fan Mail Address, Contact Information, Contact Email and Mailing Address

Let’s see Pierre Omidyar Contact Details, Email Address, Mailing Address and more.

Pierre Omidyar Mailing Address and Office Address

The Office address of Pierre Omidyar is given as below:

Pierre Omidyar’s Silicon Vally Office Address is Omidyar Network, Redwood City, USA. You can contact him through his Bangalore Office Address, which is Omidyar Network India, Bangalore, India.

If you are looking for London Office Address of Pierre Omidyar, then you are at right place. Pierre Omidyar’s London office address is Omidyar Network UK Limited, London, UK. Mumbai Office Address of Pierre Omidyar is Omidyar Network India Advisors, Mumbai, India. Pierre Omidyar ‘s Nairobi Office Address is Omidyar Network, Nairobi, Kenya.

Washington DC Office Address: Omidyar Network, Washington, DC, USA. We don’t have fan mail address of Pierre Omidyar.

Pierre Omidyar Contact Details

The office contact number is given as below:

Pierre Omidyar’s Silicon Vally Office contact number is +1 (650) 482 2500. You can also contact through his London office phone number 44 (0) 207 729 9997. If you are seeking for Pierre Omidyar’s Mumbai office contact number. then please call +91 (0)22 6118 7300. Pierre Omidyar’s Nairobi office contact number is + 254 730 112 150.

You can contact Pierre Omidyar through his Washington DC office contact number, which is +1 (202) 448 4505. Please call 650.482.2500 for all other inquiry and fax at 650.482.2525.

Official Website and Email Address

The official website and email address of Pierre Omidyar is given as below:

An email address for press, speaking, or sponsorship requests is media@omidyar.com and all other inquiries, please mail at info@omidyar.com.

Where is the Omidyar Group located?

The famous Omidyar Group is located in the United States and the organization has offices in Mumbai, Washington D.C., Redwood City, Nairobi, Bengaluru, Singapore, Johannesburg, and London.

Social Media Accounts and Pages

His is much active on different social media accounts or pages. This all are official accounts with blue tick marked. The social media accounts of Pierre Omidyar are Twitter and LinkedIn.

Fast Facts about Pierre Omidyar

Pierre Omidyar is very famous billionaire entrepreneur, philanthropist, and computer scientist. He became a billionaire at very small age. He is founder of eBay and Honolulu Civil Beat. He is member of Democratic party. He won many awards too. The fast facts of Pierre Omidyar is given as below:

  • Age: 52 years
  • Place of Birth: Paris, France
  • Mother Name: Elahé Mir-Djalali Omidyar
  • Net Worth: 1,090 crores USD
  • Wife: Pamela Kerr

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