Ted Turner is a popular and well-known media proprietor, producer, and philanthropist. He was born in the year 1938 in Ohio. Ted Turner is the founder of Cable News Network (CNN) which is the first full day and night cable news channel. You can read more about him in the last section of our article. Ted Turner has a total net worth of U$ 2.1 billion.
Further, in this section, we have provided the contact details of Ted Turner. You can find here Ted Turner’s office address, mailing address, official website address, online contact form link, and more. So, let’s move to the contact information.
Ted Turner Email Address and Official Website
You can contact Ted Turner through the online contact form. For your convenience, we have provided the verified link of the online contact form of his official website. You can click on this link to share your words with Ted Turner, click here: online contact form.
We have pasted the same link address here for your use. Please note it down: https://www.tedturner.com/contact/.
To know more about Ted Turner or his work, you can also visit his official website, here is the address of his official website: https://www.tedturner.com/.
How to get an Autograph from Ted Turner?
Meeting Ted Turner and getting his autograph is certainly not possible for all the fans of Ted Turner but that doesn’t stop you from having one. Let’s see how! You can send an autograph request to Ted Turner’s Fan Mail Address by mail if you are keen to have it. Here is the Fan Mail Address of Ted Turner: Turner Enterprises, Inc., 133 Luckie Street, Atlanta, GA 30303.
To improve your chances, adding a self-addressed, suitably stamped envelope along with your request letter is highly recommended.
Ted Turner Phone Number
As of now, we do not have the phone number info of Ted Turner, we will keep updating the article based on availability. Stay in touch. You can use the online form or the address mentioned in the next section for communication.
Ted Turner Office Address and Mailing Address
To send your letters or message to Ted Turner, you can use the given address details of his office. You can use the address for mailing purposes as well as for official visits with prior appointments. Please note down the address of Ted Turner Office: Turner Enterprises, Inc., 133 Luckie Street, Atlanta, GA 30303.
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Let’s take a look at some of the projects and work of Ted Turner. He founded CNN and TBS. Ted Turner was also the co-founder of the Nuclear Threat Initiative and Ted’s Montana Grill. Also, he was the co-creator of Captain Planet and the Planeteers.
Ted Turner started his work career with his father’s company and became President and CEO of the company in 1963. He gave a new name to his company – Turner Broadcasting Company and founded CNN which was launched in 1980.