Greta Thunberg Email Address, Fan Mail Address, Mailing Address and Contact Information

Greta Thunberg is a much hyped environmental activist, based in Sweden. She was born on January 3, 2003 to rich parents i.e. mother Malena Ernman (Swedish opera singer), and Svante Thunberg (Swedish actor). She has raised her voice against global warming also known as climate change. In recent years, she was made personality globally by the western media houses for raising her voice. She has also given speech in the United Nations on climate change and inaction by the countries.

In very short period of time, she gained millions of fans around the world especially on social media pages and accounts. Right now, she has verified accounts and pages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. She is travelling around the world, visiting several countries for her campaign. We do not know how she is getting fund or funded by herself.

Greta Thunberg Fan Mail Address

Do you want to send a letter of appreciation or some suggestions related to climate change activities/awareness? Here is the fan mail address of Greta Thunberg: Greta Thunberg, C/o. Fridays for Future, Stockholm, Sweden.

House Address and Office Address

She is living in Stockholm, Sweden as per information available online. Right now, we do not have office address. We will update it soon!

Greta Thunberg house address is Stockholm, Sweden (no full address is available with us). Currently, we do not know, the office address of Greta Thunberg.

Email Address

Here is the email address of Fridays for Future (the climate awareness organization she foudned): (Fridays for Future Sweden). If you are looking for her media inquiries email address, here it is You can send a request for interview, asking for a message or asking her to participate in event.

Contact Details and Information

At this stage, we do not have her personal mobile number of contact number. We are try to get it to update it here.

  • Phone Number: Not available
  • Contact Number: Not available
  • Personal Email ID: Sorry, we do not know!
  • Official Website: Not have any

Quick Facts About Greta Thunberg

If you are a good fan of Greta Thunberg, read the following fast facts about her:

Greta Thunberg’s mother name is Malena Ernman and father name is Svante Thunberg. She was born on January 3, 2003 and Place of Birth is Sweden.

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Greta Thunberg grandparents are Olof Thunberg, Mona Andersson, Lars Ernman, and Eva Ernman. She won many awards, including Glamour Award for The Revolutionary, International Children’s Peace Prize (2019), Ambassador of Conscience Award (2019), Goldene Kamera (2019), and More.