Larry Ellison Fan Mail Address, Mailing Address, and Email Address

Larry Ellison Mailing Address and Office Address

If you are looking for contact address of Larry Ellison to send your queries or questions, please use his office address. The complete office address is given below:

Oracle Corporation
500 Oracle Parkway
Redwood Shores, CA 94065

Please note that, this is his office address. If your letter needs an attention or reply, they will get back to you as soon as possible. If your request is not essential for reply, they will not send you anything back!

Larry Ellison Contact Details

If you are looking for direct phone contact from Larry Ellison, we strongly suggest you to use phone number available on official website. Please check below contact number of Larry which is fetched from his official website i.e. Oracle Corporation.

For General Inquiries: +1.650.506.7000 or +1.800.392.2999. You can use this phone number to talk with Larry Ellison staff. Please make sure your complaint or suggestion needs personal attention from his office.

Please do not expect in-person response from him. This phone number is used as general inquiry number for Oracle Corporation. As of now, you can reach on this number to send your query or concern directly!

Larry Ellison Email Address

If you are not interested in phone support, and mailing address (office address too!), please use email ID which is given below:

This is his official email ID, available publicly. Hence, he may be receiving several hundreds emails per month. Do not forget to make your email as short as possible.

If your email needs attention from his office, they might contact you as soon as possible. Pleaae be patient!

Larry Ellison Residence

He has several homes in the US, including Chicago, The Bronx, and California. As of now, we do not have any information about his official residence. We will update this section with correct address soon!

What is Larry Ellison salary?

Larry Ellison is the present Chairman CTO of Oracle Corp. and he earned US$11.8 million as per the latest filing. His compensation includes base pay, bonus + Non-EquityIncentive Comp.

About Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison is a world famous tech tycoon and business magnate, who co-founded Oracle Corporation. Besides his role in Oracle Corporation, he is a board member in Tesla Inc., world famous car manufacturing company, lead by Elon Musk. He is one of the wealthiest American businessman. In 2010, he bought half of the shares of world famous “BNP Paribar Open” tennis tournament. He is very fond of luxury yachts and participated in yacht race several times.

He is also involved in political funding and campaign. In past, he funded Marco Rubio (2016 US Presidential Election Bid). In latest, he hosted a fund raising for US President Donald Trump.

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