Julius Erving is popular an American retired basketball player. He played for ABA and the NBA. He is owner of many awards like four Most Valuable Player Awards, J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award, and others. He has many fans on various social media pages or accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others.
If you want to contact celebrity, you can phone them, write them an email or fan mail. Are you searching on google for How to contact any celebrity? Then you are on the right page. So, let’s see the contact details of Julius Erving like Email Format, Contact Number, Fax Number, Email Address, Office Phone Number, Residence Address, Residence Landline Number, and More.
Julius Erving Fan Mail Address and Postal Address
If you are big fan of Julius Erving and want to know his address detail then read here. The Primary address is Julius Erving 5625 Claire Rose Ln Atlanta, GA 30327-4858 USA.
If you are looking for home address, then the home address is 5625 Claire Rose Ln Atlanta, GA 30327-4858 USA.
The secondary address is Julius Erving Jay-Are-Eee, Inc. 4641 Morro Dr Woodland Hills, CA 91364-4542 USA. The USA office address is 4641 Morro Dr Woodland Hills, CA 91364-4542 USA.
Julius Erving Contact Information
Currently, we don’t have any contact details of Julius Erving. We will try to get his contact details and update it soon!
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Official Website and Email Address
The official website and email address of Julius Erving is not available with us right now.
Social Media Accounts
Here we are giving you the social media account details of Julius Erving. He is active on different social media accounts like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. This all are verified accounts of Julius Erving. To made contact with him then you have to use official social media accounts of Julius Erving.
Fast Facts
The true and quick details of Julius Erving is given here.
- Mother Name: Callie Mae Erving
- Father Name: Julius Erving
- Spouse: Dorýs Madden, Turquoise Brown
- Born: 22 February 1950
- Julius Erving net worth: $50 million