Leonard Lauder is businessman and art collector. He completed his graduation from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business. He is married to Judy Ellis-Glickman. He has became a chairman of The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. He is more wealthiest person of the world.
So, let’s see Leonard Lauder Contact Information, Email Address and More.
Leonard Lauder Mailing Address and Office Address
The Office Address of Leonard Lauder is given as below:
If you are seeking for Leonard Lauder office address, then please use Estée Lauder Companies International, Inc., 767 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10153. We don’t have any information about Leonard Lauder fan mail address. We will try to update it soon! Leonard Lauder’s house address or residency address is also not available with us.
Leonard Lauder Contact Details
If you want to talk with him, then you can call on given contact number. Note that, this is official contact details of Leonard Lauder, because it should be fetched out from official website of Leonard Lauder.
The office contact number of Leonard Lauder is 212-572-4200. Looking for Leonard Lauder’s residency landline number of fax number, right now we don’t have. When we get, we will definitely update it in this section.
Official Website and Email Address
We have his email address, which is used for media inquiry only. The Email address is given as below:
For media request or enquiries, please email at mediarequests@estee.com. We have not information about his official website.
Social Media Accounts and Pages
You can contact Leonard Lauder through his verified social media accounts. This is the best way to contact Leonard Lauder directly. He is much active on various social media pages or accounts, which are Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This all are official accounts with blue tick marked.
Fast Facts about Leonard Lauder
- Mother Name: Estée Lauder
- Father Name: Joseph Lauder
- Leonard Lauder Age: 87 years
- Net Worth: 1,480 crores USD
- Children: William P. Lauder
- Wife: Judy Ellis Glickman , Evelyn Lauder
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