Hank Meijer is very popular American businessman, co-chairman and CEO of the US supermarket chain Meijer. He is graduated from the University of Michigan and he has also attend Creston High School.
If you want to getting in touch with celebrities worldwide, then it is possible through online as well as physical mail. Trying to contact the famous celebrities via email as well as social media accounts is the right way to get in touch with them. Let’s see contact details of Hank Meijer like Autograph Request Address, Contact Information, Office Address, Fan Mail Address, Email Address, Phone Number, & More.
Hank Meijer Fan Mail Address and Office Address
If you are looking for his official contact details then read here.
The United States office address of Hank Meijer is 2929 Walker, Northwest Grand Rapids, MI 49544 United States. If you want to send an autograph request to Hank Meijer, then we don’t have the autograph request address detail.
The fan mail address and residence address detail of Hank Meijer is not available with us right now.
Hank Meijer Phone Number
At this stage, we have the office contact number of Hank Meijer. The United States office phone number of Hank Meijer is 1-877-3-634-537. The office fax number is not available with us.
If you want to meet him or talk with him then you can use the office contact number. The given contact details are official contact details of Hank Meijer. Because the number should be taken out from official website of Hank Meijer.
The house landline number or residency contact number of Hank Meijer is not available with us. The house fax number is also not available.
Official Website and Email Address
If you are serching for official website of Hank Meijer, then please visit www.meijer.com. You are also want to find out the email address of Hank Meijer, but the email address of his is not available with us.
Social Media Accounts
Currently, he is not active on any social media platforms. The Social media accounts of Hank Meijer is not available with us. You can call or message him easily through the social media accounts.
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Fast Facts
The fast and true facts of Hank Meijer is given as below:
- Hank Meijer Net Worth: US$6.0 billion
- Father Name: Frederik Meijer
- Hank Meijer Spouse: Liesel Litzenburger
- Mother Name: Not Available with us