Fred Smith Phone Number, Fan Mail Address and Contact Details are present here. Frederick Wallace Smith is the founder of FedEx. He serves as the chairman and CEO at FedEx. The headquarters of FedEx is situated at Smith’s hometown of Memphis, Tennessee. He has served as platoon leader as well as a forward air controller in the U.S. Marine Corps. You can purchase the eye glasses in USA like Fred smith at pocket prices from several web portals.
Here, we have present the contact details of Fred Smith such as Residency Landline Number, Office Address, Telephone Number, Fax Number, What is the Mailing Address of Fred Smith? and More.
Fred Smith Office Address
If you are sending an invitation to Fred Smith, then you can send it to his office address. Here is the FedEx Corp Office Address: 942 South Shady Grove Road Memphis, TN 38120 United States.
You will find here the house address of Fred Smith very shortly.
How to get an Autograph from Fred Smith?
Getting an autograph from a celebrity like Fred Smith by mail may seem impossible to you but that’s perfectly possible and common, provided you are mailing it to the right address. To get an autograph from Fred Smith, you can send your autograph request to him via his Fan Mail Address.
You can save the Fan Mail Address as: 942 South Shady Grove Road Memphis, TN 38120 United States. If possible attach a self-addressed, stamped envelope along with your request letter.
Fred Smith Contact Details
What is the office Contact Number of Fred Smith? You can talk to Fred Smith at his office by ringing up at the given contact number. The FedEx Corp Office Contact Number is 1-901-818-7500.
Please, stay tuned to get the office fax number of Fred Smith.
Other Interesting Article
Official Website and Email Address
The official website contains many such information of Fred Smith, which can be useful for you. So, you can visit the website and i.e.
At present, we will not provide you the email address of Fred Smith.
Fast Facts about Fred Smith
Following are some of the quick facts about Fred Smith.
- Fred Smith is born on August 11, 1944.
- He has completed BA from Yale University (BA).
- As of 2020, the expected net worth of Fred Smith is 540 crores USD.
- He is occupied as Chairman and CEO of FedEx.