David Shaw is popular American computer researcher, Investor, and hedge fund manager. He has works as assistant professor at Columbia University. He is also know as founder of D. E. Shaw & Co. He married to Beth Kobliner and they have three children. He was grew up in Los Angeles, California. You can find information about how to contact celebrities here. We aim to provide all possible contact information of celebrity. Here are all the ways you can contact David Shaw.
We have the answer of your questions like How we can contact with David Shaw? What is the address details of David Shaw? Then the all information can be found from below section.
David Shaw Fan Mail Address, and office Address
If you want to meet David Shaw, then you can meet through office Address/ Headquarter address. The New York city headquarter address is The D. E. Shaw Group Headquarters 1166 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor New York, NY 10036.
The above address is also used as mailing address. The house address or residence address of David Shaw is not available with us.
David Shaw Contact Information
Here, we don’t have his personal number or house address. But you can contact with him through office phone number and i.e. +1 (212) 478-0000. The office fax number is +1 (212) 478-0100.
The other contact details of David Shaw is not available with us.
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Official Website and Email Address
The official website of David Shaw is not available with us. But we have different email address like Recruiting Related Inquiries Email address is recruiting-inquiries@deshaw.com, Media Related Inquiries Email address is media-inquiries@deshaw.com, Email address of Investor Related Inquiries is fundinfo@deshaw.com, and also we have email address of General Inquiries is inquiries@deshaw.com.
Social Media Accounts
He is active on only one social media account i.e. LinkedIn. We are not sure for given account is verified or not.
Fast Facts
The fast and quick details of David Shaw is given here.
- Spouse: Beth Kobliner
- David Shaw net worth: US$790 Crores
- Father Name: Willie Shaw
- Education: Stanford University, University of California San Diego
- Mother Name: Not Available with us