Steven Spielberg Fan Mail Address, Phone Number, Email Address, and more

Let’s see the contact details of Steven Spielberg including fan mail address, how to send a fan letter, autograph request mailing address, and more.

Steven Spielberg
Steven Spielberg, Photo Credit: Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic

Residence Location/House Location

Steven Spielberg lives in several cities of the US and around the world. He lives in Cincinnati, New York, Scottsdale, Naples, Pacific Palisades, Camden, and Saratoga.

Fan Mail Address and Celebrity Agent Info

Do you want to send an autograph request to Steven Spielberg? Do you want to share something with him which needs his attention? Do you have anything to share with him? Please note down the fan mail address of Steven Spielberg, DreamWorks Animation, LLC., 1000 Flower Street, Glendale CA 91201, USA.

This celebrity agent contact address of Steven Spielberg can be used to send any fan letters, appreciation letters, feedback, or suggestion letters.

Please call (818) 695-5000 to talk with the office of DreamWorks Animation, LLC. This is one of the best ways to leave your messages for him. Please also note down the fax number (818) 733-9984 to send any fan letters.

Secondary Mailing Address

DreamWorks Animation, LLC.. also maintains a well-managed office in Universal City, California. As a good fan, you can also send a letter of appreciation, and business proposals to this fan mail address/secondary mailing address of Steven Spielberg.

Steven Spielberg is the chairman of Amblin Partners and he can be reached through this mailing address: Amblin Partners, 100 Universal City Plaza, Los Angeles, California, US.

Steven Spielberg Phone Number

The office of DreamWorks Animation, LLC. can also be reached on this phone number (818) 733-9300. For emergency or urgent matters, please send your letter to this fax number (818) 509-1433. Please don’t expect Mr. Spielberg himself at this telephone line. However, you can leave a message for him.

Steven Spielberg Autograph Request

Are you looking for his autographed photograph, signed book, signed CDs, autographed DVDs, blue-rays? If yes, please send a letter of autograph request to his fan mail address, or celebrity agent contact address. It is one of the best ways to get any celebrity autograph for your collection of memories. Please note down his Steven Spielberg autograph request address: Steven Spielberg, DreamWorks Animation, LLC., 1000 Flower Street, Glendale CA 91201, USA.

Please prepare a well-explained autograph request letter to Steven Spielberg and send it to his mailing address of DreamWorks Animation, LLC.


Steven Spielberg is a world-famous American film director, screenwriter, and producer based in the United States. The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Munich, War of the Worlds, and Saving Private Ryan are some of his best movies. He is also one of the richest Hollywood directors and producers in the world.

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