George Lucas Fan Mail Address, Contact Information, Phone Number, and Email Address

How can I contact George Lucas?

To contact George Lucas, write an email to his business email address or to his USC School of Cinematic Arts. Alternatively, please write a letter to his office address (mailing address): George Lucas C/o. Skywalker Ranch, 5858 Lucas Valley Rd., Nicasio, CA 94946, USA.

So, let’s see George Lucas Contact Info, Agent Contact Address, Phone Number and more.

George Lucas Mailing Address and Office Address 

The primary and secondary address details of George Lucas is given as below:

Fan mail address of George Lucas is George Lucas C/o. Skywalker Ranch, 5858 Lucas Valley Rd., Nicasio, CA 94946, USA. The office address of George Lucas is George Lucas, Lucasfilm Entertainment Company, Ltd., 1110 Gorgas Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94129-1406, USA.

George Lucas’s Nicasio office address is 5858 Lucas Valley Rd., Nicasio, CA 94946, USA. The above given address details are official address details of George Lucas.

George Lucas Contact Details

The contact number of George Lucas is given here. If you want to talk with George Lucas personally then you can made call at given contact number.

The Office Contact Number of George Lucas is (415) 662-1800 and fax number is (415) 448-2495. The secondary office phone number of George Lucas is (415) 623-1313.

The above contact details are official details of George Lucas, which is fetched out from official website of George Lucas.

Official Website and Email Address

The official website and email address details are not available with us. So, we will try to update it soon!

Social Media Accounts and Pages

He is not active on any social media account right now. He want to stay away from social media platforms. So, we will update this section soon!

Fast Facts about George Lucas

George Lucas is philanthropist, filmmaker, and entrepreneur. He is also known as one of the most financially successful filmmakers. He got many awards. He has works with many films. He ha began his film industry career from 1965. He is graduated from  University of Southern California. The personal information or fast facts of George Lucas is given as below:

  • Birth Date: 14 May 1944
  • Place of Birth: Modesto, California, United States
  • Age: 75 years
  • Education: USC School of Cinematic Arts, roosevelt junior high, and more
  • Marital Status: Married

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