Edward Norton is a well-accomplished actor and filmmaker based out of the United States. He was born in 1969 in Boston and brought up in Columbia. The incredible actor and director celebrate his birthday on August 18. Norton has been associated with theatre since a very young age and to pursue his passion for acting, he moved to New York.
His debut movie was Primal Fear released in the year 1996; the movie got him immense attention and also a Golden Globe Award and Academy Award Nominations. Edward also owns a production company Class 5 and has made several movies under this production company. Moving to Edward Norton’s contact information, in this section we have Edward Norton’s Primary contact detail, Celebrity Agency contacts, Contact number, fan mail address, and more.
Edward Norton Fan Mail Address/ Primary Contact Address
Are you a huge fan of Edward Norton and wish to share your feelings about his acting or movie-making skills with him? If yes, here in this section, we have provided the fan mail address or the primary contact address of Edward Norton where you can send him fan mails, letters, or messages. Please note down the details: Edward Norton, United Talent Agency, 9336 Civic Center Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210-3604, USA.
Alternatively, you can also get in touch with him through this secondary fan mail address, here is the detail: Edward Norton, Class 5, Inc., Altman Greenfield & Selvaggi Cpas, 200 Park Avenue South, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10003-1526, USA.
Celebrity Agency/Production Company
Do you wish to have an autograph from Edward Norton? If yes, you can send your autograph request to him through his Celebrity Agency. So, all you need to do is prepare a nice autograph request letter and send it along with a separate duly stamped and self-addressed envelope at the address of his Celebrity Agency. Please note down the details: United Talent Agency (Talent Agency), 9336 Civic Center Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210-3604, USA.
Also, you can send your autograph request at this secondary address which is the address of his Production Company, Class 5, Inc., Altman Greenfield & Selvaggi Cpas (Production Company), 200 Park Avenue South, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10003-1526, USA.
Edward Norton Phone Number
Due to privacy matters, we cannot disclose Edward Norton’s phone number here but you can reach him through his Office or Celebrity Agency’s phone. You can leave your message for him or share your work-related matters or requests at this address as well. Please note down the details:
You can call his Production Company, Class 5, Inc. at this Phone: (917) 414-9404 or call United Talent Agency over Phone: (310) 273-6700. You can also send your request through Fax, please use this fax number: (310) 247-1111.
How do I get an Autograph from Edward Norton?
Do you desire Edward Norton’s signature or autograph on your favorite postcard of the celebrity? If yes is your answer, you can take advantage of this section to do so. You can send a letter requesting an autograph to his official Fan Mail Address. How to write and where to post it?
You can mention your request in your letter, you can also include your picture or a postcard and a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your letter. Edward Norton’s Fan Mail Address for your convenience is listed here: United Talent Agency (Talent Agency), 9336 Civic Center Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210-3604, USA.
Some of Edward Norton’s movies include Birdman, Red Dragon, Kingdom of Heaven, The Incredible Hulk, The Bourne Legacy, and more.